
A Blog About Photography, Videography, Graphic Design & Sound Design

My personal blog about photography, video making, film making, graphic design and all things about imaging and visual arts


Super 8 is a film format released by Kodak as an improvement of the older 8mm home movie format. Its original intent was to record the everyday lives of families and friends. Its ease of use and ability to swap film cartridges mid-shoot allowed for widespread growth and popularity in the 1960s. When used today, there is a sense of nostalgia that harkens back to those classic first days of home movies. Today, with our iPhones or Flip cameras at our sides at all times, we have no discernment for which life-events deserve special documentation.

Super 8 film stock from Kodak.


When we are able to capture endless footage, we end up overshooting our lives. This leads to the truly special moments of life getting mixed in with the mundane. Even worse, the special moments are never presented in a final format. In our minds, Super 8 is the perfect antidote to this problem. Not only does the medium evoke feelings of nostalgia (i.e. The Wonder Years) but it’s presented in such a way that it is worth revering.

Shooting Super 8 film at a wedding.

Shooting Super 8 film at a wedding.

Our aim is to "shoot like the uncle." It is that mindset that allows us to build a relationship and comfort with our subjects. Also, it drives us to get in close to the action and capture great moments that can't be filmed from a distance. At the end of the day, we hope the film feels like it was created by someone who knows you well.

Checkout an example by watching my Super 8 Wedding Film Showreel.